The tackling on open fields is more realistic and has more realistic tackles. The previous version saw the players leaping into the sky like super heroes. It's easier to Mut 22 coins perform basic moves with the proper stick. This makes it much easier to evade adversaries and facilitates smoother running.
This game is among the difficult to play of the Madden series. It's quite significant considering that the year had players without heads as well as massive glitches which caused huge lines to appear across the screen, as if players were watching on a plasma TV from the past.
What's most disappointing about the incessant bugs is that they create issues with the gameplay, since if a frame rate drops at a specific time the game will cause players to miss an opportunity to catch or even a kick.
The most notable improvement in the transition between NFL 21 & NFL 20 is, without a doubt, the enhancement of graphics. If the camera is zoomed out, it's almost as the players are actually watching a real game. The character models of characters are so realistic that they seem like cutting-edge although the characters at the side appear like NPCs from PS2 The fans at the bleachers look more like cardboard cutouts.
It's not a secret that this is an EA game and EA games will function precisely as they are designed to. The idea of micro transactions in games isn't a surprise however it doesn't make it any less offensive when they're at the forefront of the game, covering all menus. Without forking over a ton of buy madden coins cheap cash (after having already shelled out more than $70 for an unplayable game,) playing the game becomes a long, boring, and irritating grind.